Monday, October 20, 2008

For Sunday, October 19th

WHOEVER YOU ARE-------------------Men Fox

there's no special person in this book, just someone outside of this story tells us all of us are basically same. The person said that their skins, lives, homes, words and lands may be different from me, but inside of us are same. In this book, "Joys are the same, and love is the same. pain is the same, and blood is the same. Smiles are the same, and hearts are just the same- wherever they are, wherever you are, wherever we are, all over the world." When I read this book, I was thinking about the war. They are just fighting over each other and kill each other, but like this book they also have their family and pain. Even though this book is for kids, it makes me think about our world again. If people consider about this one, the world will be more peaceful. If we accept this thinking, we can be understandable other people in other conditions. I really hope many people consider this.

1 comment:

Emilia said...

I've read this book, too, and I really like it. It has a nice rhythmic quality that kids like, and, like you said, the message is really important. I think my favorite line is "blood is the same," because it tells both that our bodies are mostly the same, and that we can all be hurt.