Natural disaster has two differnt effect. One is sometimes natural disaster is good for our environment. Another is usaually it's a bad damage for human. A week ago, there was the big ice storm in Kenturky. It influenced to people who live in Kenturky in bad way. This ice storm killed at least 42 people and it ruined their property too, like home so that they have to stay in the shelter. It also made the temperature went down and the all power turned off. Usually natural disaster damaged people and their property, but it's not always doing bad things. Sometimes, it helps our environment. In savannas, forest fire were so useful for savannas's survival. It helped the healthier growth for native trees and removed nonnative trees. Environmentarists say savannas could be gone if there wasn't this forest fire. In this case, natural disaster works good way for the environment. I noticed that there is nothing only useless. I learnt that everything in natural conditions are useful and needed in some way.
Hari Sreenivasan . "Crippling Ice Storm Sweeps Heartland." © MMIX, CBS Interactive Inc. Feb. 1, 2009.
Kasia Fryklund."Can Forest Fires Be Good For The Environment." About my planet. Jun 19 2007.