Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reserch Sources #1

British Imperialism in Africa (Cause)
In the early 1800s, British colonized Africa for many reasons like religion, economics, technical developement, medical improvement, nationalism, and racism. One of the important reason was for their economic benefits. They wanted bigger market over the seas to sell their products they made. Also, they wanted improve their industrial economies by getting the raw materials from the Africa countries. The event called "Scramble for Africa" began in the 1800s and led a lot of European interests to colonize Africa for digging the raw materials like gold, diamonds, copper, and tin. Their Technical improvement also cause their colonization over the Africa. Steam engines, telegraphs, and railroads helped British to colonize deeper part of Africa being able to contact with their home country, while machine guns gave them a power to colonize the Africa. British's medical improvement like discovery of quinine gave them a chance to colonize Africa. Some of their ideas were the reason for imperialism. Nationalism made them proud of theirselves by gaining lots of colonies and Racism which is the idea that White is better than blck encouraged their colonization too. Religion was the another reason. Christian missionaries thought their religon and European rules might help stopping slave trade. There are many reasons for British to colonize Africa.

McDougal-Littell. "Imperialists Divide Africa. " TELESCOPING THE TIMES: The Age of Imperialism, 1850-1914. 1999 <>

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