Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blog #2

Twilight(~ p.218) - Over the Difference

Difference can make people get together or bring together, because of their difference, they feel that they have no common or feel hard to approach. But this chapter in 'Twilight' shows us the reactions of two different character, Bella and Edward about their difference. Bella said, "Well, look at me. I'm absolutely ordinary - well, except for bad things like all the near-death experiences and being so clumsy that I'm almost disabled. And look at you."(210) In front of the differences, she compares herself to Edward whom she thinks so perfect. Otherwise, Edward has positive attitude about their difference. He said, "Trust me just this once - you are the opposite of ordinary."(210) He tries to make that difference smaller by making partner feel similar with him. Throughout his positive attitude about the obvious difference between him and Bella and their efforts, I predict they will come over that differences between them and make their love work.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

* Poem - So Much Depends...


So much depends

A shiny twinkle twinkle
pink wrapper

A beautiful voice of chocolate
calling me

Smell like sweet

Yummy taste
melting on my tongue...

*Sound of Spring

So much depends

The clear, fresh air
toughing my nose

The birds
making sounds of spring

Green everything
green trees, green grounds...

Warm sun lights
cool winds
saying it's spring

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blog #1

Twilight (P.195) - FATE

Sometimes in the world, people have to follow their fates no matter which conditions or situations they are in, even though it seems not right. Also, every characters have their fate in the novels. Like in this book, 'Twilight', Edward Bella think it's not right to fall in love to each other, because they both know that it's hard to make love between vampire and human. But though they felt it's wrong, they fall in love each other unconditionally. Because it was their fate. For example, Edward said, "This is wrong(190)", "Don't you see, Bella? It's one thing for me to make myself miserable, but a wholly other thing for you to be so involved.(190)" This was right after Bella confessed her feeling about Edward. Edward and Bella both noticed their exact feeling about love each other, but Edward felt wrong and he reminds her that their love cannot be possible. Even thought they got confused and try to refuse it, it's not possible, it's their fate. So it says fate is fate. It happens no matter which conditions or situations they are in, even though it seems wrong as common sense.