Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blog #2

Twilight(~ p.218) - Over the Difference

Difference can make people get together or bring together, because of their difference, they feel that they have no common or feel hard to approach. But this chapter in 'Twilight' shows us the reactions of two different character, Bella and Edward about their difference. Bella said, "Well, look at me. I'm absolutely ordinary - well, except for bad things like all the near-death experiences and being so clumsy that I'm almost disabled. And look at you."(210) In front of the differences, she compares herself to Edward whom she thinks so perfect. Otherwise, Edward has positive attitude about their difference. He said, "Trust me just this once - you are the opposite of ordinary."(210) He tries to make that difference smaller by making partner feel similar with him. Throughout his positive attitude about the obvious difference between him and Bella and their efforts, I predict they will come over that differences between them and make their love work.

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